be notorious

Run from what is comfortable
Forget safety
Live where you fear to live
Destroy your reputation
Be notorious!



To be notorious has not always been associated with a negative connotation. It once also stood for being famous, for living an authentic existence, beyond the need for acceptance. It once stood for being courageous enough to lead a life of one's own direction.

Helen Keller once said life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all ...

This website is as much a call to spirit as a call to action. If you are unable to join us on one of our adventures, let this website serve as an encouragement to step out of your comfort zone, away from a life less lived, to a life only you can imagine.

Set your imagination and spirit free beyond the chains that confine.

Begin now ... Do something different ... Be wild ... Be notorious...


belonging to ourselves again

Within the confines of so called responsible choices, culture demands of us conformity. And in what may amount to the despair of a soulless existence, we may often seek out would be experts who then offer back to us techniques and solutions, to reintegrate, to cope, and to yet again conform.

Meanwhile, bombarded by images of war, disease, death and destruction, media saturates us in fear. And by our fear are we then convinced and thereby confined to exist within a narrow comfort zone of perceived safety.

Much of our depression, stress and anxiety arises from our fear to live by our passion, our fear to be led by our intuition, our fear to be led by our heart. We are convinced that we must make choices to guarantee our safety and success. We are simply afraid to take any risks. We are afraid to fail.

Only by joy and sorrow does a person know anything about themselves and their destiny They learn what to do and what to avoid Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it ...


Imagine if we had the resilience to experience life without fear of failure. Imagine if there was no such a concept.

Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything - all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.

Steve Jobs

Only by stepping out of our comfort zone with courage to experience something new, something dreamed, or even never dreamed of, are we able to develop the resilience to venture forth into a renewed authenticity of being.

Are we owned by another's expectations? Do we fear judgment? Do we seek acceptance while abandoning our true selves?

To whom do we belong?

Letting Go Of Perfection

Whether your goal is to ascend the highest mountain peak, or to live your life by your own truth, nothing is achievable without letting go of the need for perfection.

What have you decided not to attempt for fear of failure? With whom do you compete?

Merriam Webster defines a failure as:

  • a failing to perform a duty or expected action
  • lack of success
  • a falling short deficiency
  • one that has failed

We ask ... Compared to what, compared to whom?

While we all have responsibilities and agreements by which we abide and engage with others in order to live, raise families, support ourselves and otherwise participate in healthy relationships with life, how often do we "fail" ourselves?

Women after 40 can be said to be in the prime of their lives.

Beyond our reproductive years, our children well fledged, perhaps now retired or considering retirement, we may often find ourselves looking to reinvent ourselves.

We look back to the days before career, marriage or children and reminisce about unfulfilled dreams.

Perhaps we fear ridicule, or venturing forth on our own. Perhaps we fear it is too late for the adventure to begin.

Perhaps we are wrong ...

a step without feet


This is love ...
to fly toward a secret sky
to cause a hundred veils
to fall each moment ...
first to let go of life
finally to take a step without feet ...


Whether or not we have family, a wide circle of friends, or live essentially alone, we may still be awash in unspoken dreams.

The artist I once was, the poet, the adventurer ...

At The Intrepid Heart we encourage, validate and support you in belonging to yourself and your dream once again.

Join us on one of our adventures, seek inspiration in some of our words and links to wild minds and wild dreamers, join us in one of our circles.

Let go of a life lived in fear of failure, ridicule or rejection. Fall in love with your dreams once more.

We are here, along with you, to step without feet, to live, love and laugh again, even if we fall ...