making dreams a reality


the imaginal realm

"After a period of ravenous consumption, a caterpillar finds an appropriate perch and forms a chrysalis - so far so good. The end result, we know, is a butterfly, but the truly astonishing thing is that there is no structural similarity at all between a caterpillar and a butterfly.

Inside the chrysalis the caterpillar, unable to move, actually dissolves into organic goop. Cells, which had been dormant in the caterpillar and which biologists have the poetic genius to call "Imaginal cells", begin a process of creating a new form and structure.

At first these Imaginal cells - the seeds of future potential, which contain the blueprint of a flying creature - operate independently as single-cell organisms. They are regarded as threats and are attacked by the caterpillar's immune system. But they persist, multiply, and connect with each other. The Imaginal cells form clusters and clumps, begin resonating at the same frequency and passing information back and forth until they hit a tipping point. They begin acting not as discrete individual cells but as a multi-cell organism - and a butterfly is born." From Imaginal Labs


Well it all sounds rather familiar does it not?

As we mature as women, perhaps having devoted much of our attention to career or family, we may often find ourselves having to reinvent ourselves. Often alone. Often without direction.

Life becomes seemingly dormant.

But once there were dreams. Dreams of unexplored experiences ...


Image courtesy of Jim Chapman

So the first step to rediscovering our potential is to allow ourselves to dream once again.

Cultural norms, not unlike the immune system of the caterpillar, may attempt to convince us we are too old to dream, too old to re-imagine ourselves, if we dare to engage in adventures or experiences ordinarily associated with youth. If we dare to take a risk, to be inquisitive, or even playful, culture often labels us as "childish" and expects us to "act our age".

But at The Intrepid Heart we encourage you to shed all similarity to anyone's expectations of conformity.

We encourage you to persist, to never abandon your dreams ... but to multiply those dreams, and to connect with each other in the true poetic genius of what it is to be fully alive!

Take a moment to look around you. Everything you see, everything is the result of the choices you have previously made. Whatever you have previously believed about yourself, whatever the limitations you have previously placed upon yourself have defined your experience today.

Whatever you have once dreamed of experiencing, or doing or becoming is achievable if you simply let go of the idea of failure.

What you are prepared to believe about your future depends entirely upon what you are prepared to believe about yourself today.

Forget about success, forget about failure. Re-ignite your passion and just try it. Matters not if you are successful by anyone else's standards. Where all those who allowed convention to dictate how to live their lives, you can say you did not.

You can say you made your dreams come alive, you can say you tried ... how successful is THAT!


We encourage you to dream along with us. To share your dreams, and let us know how we may facilitate the realization of those dreams.